
Have been keeping myself busy lately doing yard work and cleaning up around the house. Head a lot of things to just get rid off and finally said "toady I'm doing it!" After 3 full loads to the transfer station (The Dump) I decided to rake the yard and pile up all the dead tumble weeds and other debris and take them to the compost pile.
Next came helping Michele plant two fruit trees in the front yard and trying to fill in some of the prairie dog holes near the trees. There are eight acres of property around here and the yard uses about an acre, so i think the prairie dogs can use the other seven acres.
While Michele has been working on her raised garden, I made a nice brick area for the fire pit so we can start having Little fires in the evening. also did some minor repairs to the picnic table and benches to shore them up for the coming summer. I may have to look at getting a new set next spring.
In between all this work we have managed to so some Geocaching trips to Dillon, Montana as well as other parts of the surrounding area.
My next project is getting the area around the hot tub cleaned and adding some benches and some fencing to keep Brooke, our Rottweiler Malamute cross from joining us in the hot tub.
I will write again shortly, and stay tuned.....


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