August, September: Glacier, Seattle, Hernia Surgery

Wow! I can't believe fall is here already.

August I really did do much. The Biggest thing Michele & I did was we went to Rockin' The River's, a three day Rock 'N' Roll festival near Three Forks, Montana. Michele has gone the last 10 out of 11 years and I've gone 9 out of 11 years.
The Headliner's this year were Brett Michaels, Collective Soul, The Doobie Brothers, Dokken, Cracker, Commander Cody, and a ton of local bands. As always we met new friend as well as chatting with old veterans like us. I did some real cool and funny this year. I happened to bring my Boris Karloff Frankenstein Mask and decided to wear it around the festival. It was awesome! It seems everyone loves Frankenstein and girls love to kiss and get their pictures taken with the monster. Everyone invited Frank to their campsite for free drinks. I had a great time! I think Next year I'm bringing Frank, the Mummy, and the Wolf man. I can wear one mask a day!

We took a trip Glacier National Park to drive the Going to the Sun Road from Start to finish and back again. Something we never got to do last year. We got to the top of Logan Pass and decided to hike to Hidden Lake but quickly found out that not all the snow had melted and we had to cross snowfields to get to the lake. We were fine with that because we came prepared with hiking boots. Some of the others hiking were wearing shorts and flip flops and were sliding and falling all over the place.....Tourists! We had a great time as always and enjoyed our time relaxing in Kalispell, 35 miles outside of Glacier.

In late August I found that the hernia I've been living with for almost 2 years decided to double in size and move. I finally got scared enough to visit the E.R. in Helena. Surprisingly they were a better bunch of people compared to Benifis in Great Falls. The E.R. Doc was really concerned and after listening to his diagnosis I immediately made an appointment with a surgeon working in the hospital the next day.
I saw the surgeon and we both decided that the hernia needed to go. We set a date of Sept 23 for the operation. After having the hernia fixed I would be laid up in bed for a few days before i could get around without a lot of pain. I would also limited to lifting not more than 20lbs for 6-8 weeks.I needed to put off the procedure two weeks because Michele, Her father and I were planning a trip to visit friends in Washington Sept 10 - 19 and I didn't want to miss that. While we were in Washington we went to the famous Pike's Place Market, walked the Pacific Coast picking up sand dollars and visiting with our friend. It was awesome as usual.

Well the 23rd came and I had the surgery. Now I am getting the staples removed tomorrow but will still need to watch what I lift for another 3-4 weeks. That's going to be hard.


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