Holiday Wishes

I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season. I hope you all are safe and enjoy the holidays with friends and family. I will be spending the holidays with a few friends in Helena because all my family lives in Pennsylvania. I haven't visited my family in a few years so I think I will try and visit them in the coming year. I gave Michele the week off because her brother and his family are here for the Holiday's this year. They did visit about 5 years ago in the summer, but this is the first family holiday for them in 13 years. I, myself will be visiting Michele and her family along with other friends in the Helena area and I'm gonna eat all the turkey I can and even some ham too.
I love the Holiday's but being single and kid less I don't have all the excitement of my own family traditions, but my adopted families out here are fun and I share in their traditions. To Michele's two daughter's I am the cool uncle that's there if they need help with their cars, or a few bucks for gas. My friends Vicki & Di are awesome and we do alot of home improvements together and I always get them some cool gag gifts for Christmas and they always threaten to shoot me because of them.
I talked to my mother this past weekend and her, my father, and bother are all going to my sister's house for Christmas. I will call them there and see what Santa brought them. I also have a niece there that will probably make out like a bandit. I usually buy myself all the things that I want for Christmas. My friends here will ask me what I want, but after I tell them I usually go buy it, so they don't have too. I know it's not the best thing to do but I would rather them spend it on their family. I do get gifts from them anyway. I enjoying just being around them for the Holiday's.
Again I wish All of you a safe and Happy Holiday Season.


Happy Holidays to you to Joe. Sounds like your days will be filled with love, warmth and good times. Peace be with you.


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