More Snow and Sub Zero Temps

It seems that old man winter is giving us another taste of winter. We are having our first day above zero since last Friday, and I heard on the news last night that we are getting more snow and sub zero temps again tomorrow night. I Can't wait. Sometimes in the winter I've been known to wear shorts and a sweatshirt around here. Last weeks weather got me getting all the extension cords gathered up in order to plug the trucks in. I also picked up a bunch of ISO Heet to keep in both vehicles. Growing up in Western Pennsylvania I was used to having some snow, but never minus 20 temps. The Winter of 1998, my first in Montana was an eye opener. The truck I drove out here didn't have a block heater in it because We didn't use them in Pennsylvania. I had no clue what they were until one sub zero day I went to start my truck and it barely turned over and didn't start. After getting a magnetic oil pan heater and letting it heat my engine for a day the truck started. I still have that oil pan heater today. Now I use it for heating my motorcycles up. I had driven a Montana purchased truck back to Pennsylvania and my friends would ask me about the "Cord" sticking out of my grill. When I told them what it's for, they couldn't believe it.
It sounds like we are going to have a cold and white Christmas and that's alright by me. Now all I have to do is start my Christmas shopping soon. I'll probably get it all done on Christmas Eve.


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