2015, Here we go again!


     I hope everyone had a great new year's eve and looking forward to the coming year.

     Well, again this year I'm going to try and write every evening about my day. This, I hope will help me remember what I did throughout the year so can have a year in review and keep track of my goals. I'm sure they're will be some skipped days as we plan to do some hiking, camping and traveling along the way.
      My main goal is to lose weight. I did very well two years ago, losing 50lbs before heading back to Pennsylvania to visit family and friends. I fell off the wagon and can't seem to get back on it. Damn! I'm also turning 45 this year and after back surgery, 2 hernia surgeries and a torn quadriceps I want to get into a little better shape.
     I plan on walking every morning before work and weather permitting plan on adding some kayaking to the list. I also plan on using the Bow Flex that's in the garage to tone up a little. I  have an app on my smart phone to help me with calorie intake and exercise too. t proved to be very helpful two years ago.
     I have no goal for a six-pack or running a marathon, just getting down to a betterthe weight and eating better. That, along with Exercising I'm hoping to do better on hiking mountains here in Montana
     Also with losing weight and exercising I'm planning on feeling better about myself and my appearience. I would love to fit back into some of my old suits and Levi's.
     Along this journey, my girlfriend, Michele is going to a good source of encouragement and we too is looking to lose weight and feel better. We did it  a two years ago and we can do it again.

Well, off I go to do little things around the house,


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