Make up Day!

      Missed a day and now gotta make up for it.

     Yesterday, Jan 5th wasn't a good day in the life. Truly, I had my first bad day at work and didn't do much. Truthfully, I can't hardly remember yesterday. I do know that Michele made a great, delicious winter beef barley stew. The best part of the day was coming home to Michele, Sasha, Brooke and the smell of  dinner. Watched some TV and went to bed.
     Today didn't start off well. Another bad beginning and middle of work. After a little blow up and venting, the work day ended on a plus. A few changes are going to implement at work in the new future and I was a little confused and under informed. It's going to be a growing experience for everyone. Michele has been there longer and me and is better adjusted of how things work there. Plus, not much bothers her,  and I envy her.
     Didn't keep track of my calories but I know I didn't eat much.
     It's amazing how the adrenaline building up for a while and being released can leave you totally drained. I so tired and my body hurts. I wear a wristband that says "Be The One" and I'm trying to be the one that doesn't let things bother me that I can't do anything about. It's my biggest flaw.  I get irritated of the littlest  rules that people break. My biggest peeve is people parking in non parking - yellow marked off lanes.  I know there isn't anything I can do besides give them grief but they don't care anyway so it's all in vain and I'm working on letting it and other things go.
     Hopefully the days and deeds will be getting better and the exercise and eating and letting useless things will just flow off my back and I'll be feeling better and better.


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