Sunday, Sunday.

                                                                                                                                               Jan 11, 2015

      Today was the one year anniversary of us bringing Sasha home from friends house in Kalispell, Montana. Our friend, Don found her and her brother in a tote in a shopping cart at the Wal-Mart in Kalispell. Don could not keep Sasha or her sister so he posted pictures on Facebook and Michele decided we needed Sasha. This morning I took Sasha for a ride in the truck, something she thoroughly enjoys to check on cache and went to a walk in a new place for her. She really enjoyed herself, stopping and smelling tons of things and playing in deep snow, something else she enjoys.
                                            Sasha a few weeks after we brought her home

      Returning home after checking on the geocache and letting Sasha have some fun I another exciting task, laundry. A necessity and boring task that needed to be done. After folding and putting away I grabbed the Frisbee and played with Sasha while Michele went thru the ads and making a shopping list for our trip to town for groceries.
      We made it to town, got groceries and back home without incident, which is always good. Put away the supplies and had dinner. Tonight it was fried chicken from the grocery store deli. Something quick and easy today. we watched a little TV and now as I write this Michele is reading.
     All in all a good weekend. Oh, and I don't count calories on the weekend but I know I didn't over eat.


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